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Having vegetables in a diet

Writer's picture: Care 4 Animals Care 4 Animals

Just like us, our pets need to have vegetables in their diet. It adds vitamins and minerals that they can't get from their staple food.

Some vegetables are more beneficial than others. For example, carrots will provide them with water. If you are worried your pet isn't having much water intake, or it is an extremely warm day, carrots would be a great source of water for them.

If you're worried your pet is not getting much protein in their diet. Some good vegetables to use are brussel sprouts, spinach and corn.

If you're concerned your pet hasn't got enough iron in their diet. A couple of good vegetables that contain lots of iron are peas and broccoli.

Guinea pigs are not able to produce their own vitamin C. This means you will need to supplement their diet. A great vegetable that contains vitamin C is white cabbage.

If you're worried your pet is a little constipated and they need more fibre in their diet. Some great vegetables to give them would be carrots, broccoli and brussel sprouts.

Below is a list of the vegetables mentioned and which pet they are safe for.

Carrot - hamsters, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, gerbils, rats.

Broccoli - hamsters, dogs, gerbils, guinea pigs, rats

White cabbage - guinea pigs, rats, rabbits, dogs, gerbils, hamsters

Brussel sprouts - hamsters, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs

Corn - hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, dogs, rats

Peas - rats, rabbits, dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils

Spinach - gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters, dogs

All of these vegetables need to be given in moderation.

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