Hamsters are very small animals, they are also placed in the prey category. This means they can become very stressed very quickly. Just like us, stress in hamsters can cause health problems, the main one is wet tail.
What is wet tail?
Essentially, wet tail in hamsters is diarrhea. This means, no matter how much water they drink, they will loose all their fluids in their poo. This can affect them very quickly, and if not treated soon enough can kill them.
What causes wet tail?
Wet tail is brought on by stress and or bacteria.
What to look out for?
If you are concerned your hamster has wet tail, the main things to look out for is soft watery poo around the cage, and if their bottom half and tail is looking wet.
How to prevent wet tail?
Try and keep their stress levels down (especially if they are new to your home, or you have recently moved house/changed their home. Making sure that you keep their home clean by spot cleaning at least once a week (depending on your hamster this may need to be a few times a week to every day) and doing a full deep clean every couple of months (if your cage is smaller this will need to be more frequent)
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